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Press Releases

Feb 12, 2015

DRI nominated SugarCRM Elite Partner

From the PR:

Lisboa, 12 de Fevereiro de 2015. A DRI, empresa global de consultoria de TI, alcançou o estatuto de Elite Partner, o nível mais elevado no programa de parceiros...

Mar 18, 2014

DRI internationally recognized as Three-Star Partner by SugarCRM

From the PR:
"Lisboa, 18 de Março de 2014. A DRI acaba de ser distinguida pela SugarCRM com o Three-Star Partner award. Esta distinção é concedida a...


Mar 26, 2014 | Semana Informática Magazine

Article about Open Source in Semana Informática magazine.

Semana Informática wrote an article about Open Source and Diogo Rebelo shared some of his thoughts.

"Open Source is no longer seen as the poor relative, nor as the cheap but...

Mar 05, 2014 | Semana Informática Newspaper

Diogo Rebelo interviewed by Semana Informática magazine.

Semana Informática wrote an article about CRM and Diogo Rebelo shared some of his thoughts.

"In the past, CRM implementations were seen as massive developments, with a top-...